Artist: Slipknot

9.0: Live (CD 2)
Year: 2005
Tracks: 12

9.0: Live (CD 1)
Year: 2005
Tracks: 12

Vol. 3 - The Subliminal Verses
Year: 2004
Tracks: 14

Year: 2004
Tracks: 2

Year: 2001
Tracks: 14

Year: 2001
Tracks: 13

Live At Dynamo 2000
Year: 2000
Tracks: 19

Year: 1999
Tracks: 20

Mate. Feed. Kill. Repeat
Year: 1996
Tracks: 8
Slipknot's mingle of grinding, post-Korn alternative metal, Marilyn Manson-esque neo-shock rock, and rap-metal helped make them one of the almost popular bands in the alleged nu-metal explosion of the late '90s. But even more helpful was their theatrical, attention-grabbing image: the banding always performed in identical industrial jump suits and homemade Halloween masks, and added to its mysterious anonymity by adopting the book of Numbers zero point through eight as phase aliases. Add to that a lyrical preoccupation with darkness and nihilism, and an affectionately disdainful name for their fans ("Maggots"), and Slipknot's design for nu-metal success was set.
Slipknot were formed in later 1995 in the unlikely locus of Des Moines, IA; after some early personnel shifts, the nine-piece lineup settled around (in order from number cipher to number eight): DJ Sid Wilson, drummer Joey Jordison, bassist Paul Grey, percussionist Chris Fehn, guitarist James Root, sampler/programmer Craig Jones, percussionist Shawn "Clown" Crahan, guitarist Mick Thompson, and lead vocalizer Corey Taylor. The music scene in Des Moines wasn't much to utter of, and the band's big time ambition was commonly met with disbelief and ridicule, which provided the initial muriel Sarah Spark for its generally anonymous microscope stage visuals. On Halloween 1996, Slipknot self-released an album called Mate. Feed. Kill. Repeat., which began to build a seethe around the mathematical group one time it set up its way of life to several labels. It was picked up for distribution by the Nebraska-based -ismist label, and also caught the attending of Roadrunner Records, which signed Slipknot in 1997. Working with producer Ross Robinson, Slipknot recorded their official, self-titled debut record album, which was released in 1999. They step by step reinforced an audience through near-constant touring, running their way up to the summer Ozzfest package spell, which really expanded their audience. Their live shows were a much-discussed strike with metal fans, and the isthmus performed with such vim that Crahan gashed his head candid on his own barrel kit double that summer, requiring stitches both times. The tracks "Waitress and Bleed" and "Expectoration It Out" got the band some airplay, just about of the buzz came from touring and word of mouthpiece. Finally, in the bounce of 2000, Slipknot was certified pt; the number one such album in Roadrunner's history.
The expectancy for Slipknot's followup was intense, and many industriousness observers predicted that it would debut at number one; even so, faced with some stiff contest that week, the band's soph effort, IA, bowed at figure 3 upon its tone ending in 2001. More heavy touring followed, including some other, more salient slot on that summer's Ozzfest. After a long spell on the road, Slipknot took a break piece the members worked on position projects. The band set up up its own label, Maggot Recordings, and sign a band called Downthesun, whose pencil lead singer had served as Crahan's drumfish technician. Wilson, in the meantime, began DJing solo under the call DJ Starscream, and Root and Thompson both worked on solo material. Drummer Jordison worked with a side group called the Rejects, where he'd actually served for rather some time as guitarist. Taylor, in the meantime, started a side band called Superego, and besides contributed a solo call, "Disoblige," to the soundtrack of the 2002 megahit Spider-Man. That May, the band got some mirthful press when some of its fans discovered the web site of a British crocheting group also called "Slipknot," and afloat the members' in-boxes with too raw e-mails. Guitarist Joey Jordison and Static-X guitar player Tripp Eisen teamed that summer for the Murderdolls externalise, piece Taylor reformed his old band Stone Sour and released an album. By the wintertime, Slipknot had still non reunited and Taylor wrote a commentary on the band's website stating that they had non spoken in months, and that they'd quite break up than become "the future Gwar". The statement sparked a promptly resolved minifeud between Taylor and Gwar frontman Oderus Urungus. merely it likewise sent many of the Maggots into a spin. By early 2003, Taylor had retracted his comments, and proclaimed plans for a new Slipknot album. That August the intact squad decamped Iowa for LA, where they began work on the new record with producer Rick Rubin. "Pulse of the Maggots" appeared in early 2004 as an exclusive download; it was followed by a full cut itemization for Vol. 3: The Subliminal Verses. Slipknot then embarked on a brief circuit as a warm up for their dates headlining Ozzfest that summer. (The group also debuted a in full redesigned third base generation of their illustrious masks.) Subliminal Verses was released in May 2004. It peaked at #2 on the Billboard cc, and the band toured steady for the next class and a half in support. They released 2-disc live record album in November 2005.